

竣工  2016年
場所  宮城県牡鹿郡女川町
建築  東 環境・建築研究所
街路  小野寺康都市設計事務所
照明  ICE都市環境照明研究所 
写真  ナカサアンドパートナーズ
    (1-9, 15-19, 22番目)  

JIA優秀建築選 2016 
都市景観大賞 2018 
アジア都市景観賞 2018

グッドデザイン賞 2018
土木学会デザイン賞 最優秀賞 2019
第5回復興設計賞 2023

Seapal-Pier Onagawa

This open-air shopping center was designed for the residents of the town of Onagawa. Located in a seaside district that suffered heavy damage from the 2011 tsunami, it was the first project to receive approval under the Reconstruction Agency’s town revitalization program. Residential construction is no longer permitted in this area due to the city’s program to relocate homes to higher ground, but the plaza is intended to be place where people can linger after their shopping is done, perhaps meeting a friend or old neighbor by chance, and to provide a park-like space where residents can sense the nearby presence of the sea that has long been an integral part of life for this community. In contrast to the promenade that leads boldly from the train station toward the sea, however, this space is designed to offer more subtle glimpses, both via the gathering spots in the courtyards, and the alleys and meandering paths leading to the surrounding areas.

Completed 2016
Location Onagawa City, Miyagi
Architect Azuma Architects & Associates
Street Office of Yasushi Onodera
Lighting ICE
Photo Nacasa & Partners
(1st-9, 15-19, 22nd)

JIA Excellent Architecture Selection 2016 
Urban Landscape Grand Prize 2018 
Asian Urban Landscape Awards 2018

Good Design Award 2018
JSCE Design Award, Grand Prize 2019

5th Reconstruction Design Award 2023



