

竣工  2021年
場所  神奈川県横浜市
建築  RIA

Livegate Seya

This redevelopment project adjacent to Seya Station on the Sotetsu Line consists of a residential complex, commercial facilities, and the Seya Cultural Center for Seya Ward residents. The proposal was carried out for the rooftop terrace on the third and fourth floors of the Seya Ward Residents Center and the exterior area of the ground floor. The core design concept of the ground floor’s exterior is "Design that has its roots growing into the earth," and a design that corresponds to the lower floors of the building. The continuous elevation of the landscape is intended to create an expansive and lively atmosphere in front of the station. The rooftop terraces on the third and fourth floors, which can be seen from the station plaza side, are designed to create an image of greenery layered on top of each other from the station plaza to the top, leading to the sky, while the counter tables and benches are placed in the rising planting area to provide a space where people can relax and enjoy the sky.

Completed 2021
Location Yokohama City, Kanagawa
Architect RIA




OMO5 沖縄那覇